I’m glad you stumbled upon this website. Whether you’re looking for my songs or serendipity brought you here, I hope your curiosity will be sated.
Everything you’ll find here is about me and my third favourite thing in the world, filk music. What is filk? And what are my first and second favourite things in the world? You’ll find the answer to those questions, too. It may get a tad weird – so am I, and I want this website to reflect upon my personality. I can be all earnest and sentimental, funny or evil or everything at once.
I write songs in German and English – with German being my native language, I’my English is pretty decent but not perfect. This means you may stumble upon some errors, both in my lyrics and on this website. Please be lenient with me, but if you like, you can send me a mail suggesting corrections or improvements: I’m eager to learn. Also, since I don’t provide translations for all of my German lyrics (yet), you can ask about the meaning of a song and I’ll provide you with a rough translation, Or you can use a service like Google Translate.
All lyrics on this website are my own and may be used however you like: They may be sung, set to music, filked and distributed. There is little you can’t do with my songs, as long as you don’t try to pass them as your own – but I’d love to hear back from you about was has become of them; just because I give them away for free doesn’t mean they aren’t dear to me.
And now, without further ado: Have fun reading, browsing and singing!
Best wishes